Custom Alligator Shears and Blades

Alligator Shear Blades
Alligators & Custom Shears

At Detroit Edge Tool Co, we can cover the needs of all alligator shear blades from brands like D&K, Canton, McIntyre, Enterprise, Gensco, Swede, and others.

As an additional Value-Add, Detroit Edge’s capabilities to reverse engineer and redesign obsolete or unsupported brand shear blades sets us apart from the competition. We often save our customers 50% or more on their custom blade purchases.

Alligator Shears 

Our alligator shears are stationary, motorized devices that cut metal objects by passing a hinged, movable blade closely upright against a stationary base, usually attached to a flat surface on which the metal object is to be cut. Its unique design brings with it several advantages, such as:

  • Little to no waste
  • No use of heat
  • Cuts softer metals with ease
  • Adjustable voltage and frequency to suit the needs of any application

While they’re not suitable for massive metal sheets, alligator shears are a viable option for metal fabrication and cutting of various metal goods such as tubes, bars, and even I-beams. They’re also great for recycling scrap metal (extrusions, automobile radiators, gearboxes, and gates), deconstructing weaponry, and cutting wires before shredding them.