While you protect your health, let us protect your wealth
We’re all in this together and to prove it, we are offering 10% off mobile shear attachment kits until it’s safe to get together again. (10% off all orders for mobile shear kits placed within 30 days. Restrictions may apply.)
Email justin@detroitedge.com to claim your 10% off discount
When you buy shear blades, you depend on American Made quality…What you might not know, is that many blade suppliers out there are buying blades from overseas and re-selling them here in the states. Detroit Edge controls blade quality from start to finish using American Produced Steel to Make an American quality blade.
Justin Vernick – Shear Blade Product Manager Justin Vernick – Shear Blade Product Manager -
Dave Blount – Midwest Sales Representative Dave Blount – Midwest Sales Representative -
Pat Ebbing – Sales Manager Pat Ebbing – Sales Manager -
Ray Ebbing – President & CEO Ray Ebbing – President & CEO